Saturday, October 26, 2013


      Elder Oaks defines dating as : planned for, paired off, and payed for. This is a great definition because when you do these three points ,you should be taking care of and protecting your date. Dating is a good preparation for marriage. I know that dating a variety of people is the best way to know who you should marry. Going on a variety of dates with the same person is good to see the person you are dating in different situations. They might be a certain way in one situation but completely different in another situation. These three points will also help in marriage. "The Family, A Proclamation to the World" gives three points that fathers are to Preside, Provide, and Protect. These go along well with the three points of dating. As guys plan for dates they learn to take responsibility, and use leadership skills which will help them in their marriage. As guys pay for dates they will learn to provide for another person besides themselves. Pairing off helps guys prepare to protect another person, especially their wife. Dating is good and I think can really help a marriage.


  1. I also loved learning the importance of the "3 P's of Dating." There is so much wisdom is learning how to properly date. Have you seen the potential problems in the common trend of "hanging out" as opposed to dating? How can we help influence the men in our lives to properly date? What are some of the best lessons that you've learned through the dating process?

  2. I think dating, especially after high school is a prep for marriage. If people just hang out then they don't get to really know a certain person. Making it easy for guys to date us is a way to start. It must be nerve racking to ask a girl on a date, so the least we can do is to say yes even if it is just one time.
