Saturday, December 7, 2013


     A polite request should always be given to your children before a firm request. Children are much more likely to listen to their parents if they first ask politely. If your children do not do the task that was asked to them, then sit down with them and explain how it makes you feel. Use "I" and not "you". It is important that parents don't sound like they are accusing the child because that can cause the child to become defensive. If the child still does not do what was asked, then use a firm request. This does not mean yelling to your child. Simply restate the task that needs to be accomplished in a firmer voice and leave it at that. Yelling at your child might get them to do the task or chore but it will be more detrimental to the child. My parents have definitely been a good example of this. They have never yelled or screamed at me and because of this I feel their respect for me and in return I can give them the respect that they deserve.

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